Artikel Asli:

My Followers

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

aNDa Di TaG!!

1. What is the most important thing in your life?

Of course Allah is the most important thing in my life.. selain 2 byk lagi laa – mak ayah, keluarga n kawan2..

2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?

Beli coklat untuk anak2 buah.. kalu nak coklat mahal2, tunggu pak su dah keje nt eh. haha

3. Where do you wish to get married?

Huh, xde soklan lain ke.. adess. Hmm, kat umah sudaa..

4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?

Mcm berbelit je soklan ni.. Almaklum la, English kureng ckit. Hehe.. Emm, berserah je la pada qada’ dan qadar.. (“,)

5. Are you in love?

Saya syg smuanya!!

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?

Hmm, x ingat r ape name warung 2.. Tp kuey teow dy mmg mantap r.. nyam3..

7. Name the latest book that you bought?

Dah lame x beli buku nh.. kalau majalah2 ade lah kot. Haha.. Emm, latest book yg sy beli rasenye ‘buku teks BAHASA MELAYU LANJUTAN LM2020’.. heheh, buku jgak kan..

8. What is your full name?

Mohd Hafizullah bin Yatim

9. Do you prefer your mother or father?

Xde prefer2… I love both of them.. huhu

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.

Jumpa la sesape pon.. mesti sentiasa bersedia utk tidak bersedia.. hehe

11. Christina or Britney?

Sape dorang ni?? Xknal2.. kah3

12. Do you do your own laundry?

Mesti la.. sedang mencuba utk mengamalkan budaya berjimat-cermat.. heheh

13. The most exciting place you want to go?

Hmm, kalau tanye kat org Islam, msti sume jwb Syurga Allah kan.. termasuk la sy.. hehe.. Tp tmpat yg sy nak pegi di alam nyata ni rasanya Jepun kot.. Sbb apa?? Sbb disiplin diorang yg sgt hebat – dgn adanya disiplin, seseorang or komuniti blh bjaya.. btol x??

14. Camera or MP3 or Handphone?

Kalau pilih camera, xde MP3 n xleh cakap tipon.
Kalau pilih MP3, xleh tangkap gmbar n antar msg.
Kalau pilih handphone, selain cakap tipon n antar msg, kte leh tangkap gmbar n dgr mp3.. So, agak2 sy pilih yg mana?? haha

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.

Hmm, nak tulis ape eh… hentam je la ye.. hehe

- Nama kawan sy ni Islinda binti Ibrahim. Paggil Is.. Btol ke?? hee
- Dia pakai spek
- Budak ICT – bakal hacker yg berjaya. haha
- Suka bekerja dengan duit – blh jadi ceti yg berjaya.
- Dia banyak bcakap. Haha

16. 3 things I am passionate about

- Mengharapkan keluarga bahagia.
- Sahabat sejati.
- Berjaya dalam semua bidang yg diceburi..

17. 3 things I say too often

Hmm, ntah la.. x perasan plak.. mgkin org yg ske bsembang dgn sy sahaja yg tahu..

18. Book I’ve read recently

Sy baru je terbaca buku teks sains anak buah sy yg darjah 6. haha

19. 8 songs I could listen to over and over again

Sy ni tau dgr lagu je.. Tp kdg2 x tau tajuk lagu 2.. heheh

20. 3 things I learned last year

Terlalu banyak.. Tidak dapat diungkapkan dgn kata2.. cewaah.. hehe. Antaranya:

- Semangat setiakawan dan bekerjasama.
- Handle minggu taaruf CFSIIUM PJ – Jadi sub-committee je. haha
- Byk yg sy blajar sejak masuk studio AED..

21. 8 people to tag

Waa.. sy ni masih setahun jagung dalam dunia blog ni.. x knal sgt org utk di-tag.. huhu.. tp ada la beberapa org yang saya nak beri:

- Fami
- Izwan
- Radzi

Sape2 nak, amik je la.. jgn risau pasal hukum.. semestinya halal. hehe



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